Upcoming Events:
Inquire by phone or email about the Sea Can Care School of Integrative Oncology and Alternative Medicine.
We’ll be resuming regular Zoom classes for clients and the public in summer/fall of 2024.
Over the last twenty years as an herbalist, nutritionist, and integrative health provider, attending conferences, apprenticing with and working for and among the finest practitioners, I've met hundreds of incredible people in the field who provide brilliance, enlightenment, referrals, products, support, the "trickle down" that truly makes them pillars within the field. As you work with me as your practitioner, you'll gather a lot of this accumulated knowledge.
A Shout Out to My Mentors and Teachers:
I started digging into herbal medicine (literally) around 1997 and my initial interest was in harvesting wild food. Based on my observations of young people who are finding their roots in herbal medicine today, I find this is a common springboard (digging tool?) into the work. Feed yourself. Then, heal yourself.
As I reflect, I’ll add to this list of teachers, some of whom don’t know me or that I took their classes, others whom I apprenticed with, worked for, or with including several I studied with at the Open Center in New York in the late 1990’s.
Jack Larmer, ND, Robin Rose Bennett, Herbalist, Steve Brill, Forager and Educator, David Winston, Herbalist, Jonathan Treasure, Medical Herbalist, Chanchal Cabrera, Medical Herbalist, Suzanne Sky, Herbalist, Karen Wennlund, Herbalist, James Jungwirth, Herbalist, Donnie Yance, Herbalist, Chris Hobbs, Herbalist, Rosemary Gladstar, Herbalist, Michael Tierra, Herbalist, James Green, Herbalist, Jim Duke, Ag Scientist, Herbalist
Referral Practitioners, Outreach and Cancer Resources:
Cancer Support Retreats For Patients and Survivors with Gregory Drambour https://www.sedona-spiritual-vacations.com/bio/
Exploring the possible emotional contributor to getting cancer. https://www.sedona-spiritual-vacations.com/cancer-support-retreats/
For sessions with mystical author, coach, and life growth specialist, Sonja Grace, visit Sonjagrace.com
Media Links:
My mind was on saffron today (our products contain Iranian and US grown saffron) but this feature is written by a long-time journalist friend from Ashland, Oregon, Paris Achen. https://www.capitalpress.com/nation_world/agriculture/where-the-most-expensive-spice-in-the-world-is-grown/article_131d240e-40c4-11ec-b69a-0f8ab6f8a6c2.html
Here’s a self help video from the archives about topical herbal oils and skin care. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_-yYi7Cp4uQ