Building harmony within all body systems--vitality in motion.

All dressed up and looking for plants...

All dressed up and looking for plants...

Botanical ambassador

Michael grasps the intersection between botanical and nutritional medicine as both a registered peer-reviewed professional herbalist and Certified Nutritionist.  He seeks out wild foods and explains why they're healthy and how to prepare them.  He can steer you towards good decisions in the kitchen using healthy store-bought foods as well.


being a native of new jersey, the appalachian trail was never too far away

being a native of new jersey, the appalachian trail was never too far away

Deep nutrition therapist

He has long yearned for an understanding of the world around us.  Michael gets down to the nitty gritty about roots and shoots and understands real-world needs of his clients, living in a world full of hazardous food choices.  Clarity is his business.


Peconic Bay, New York BRRRRR! 

Peconic Bay, New York BRRRRR!


Student for life

A participant in an oncology round table group for almost 15 years, he constantly researches new approaches to chronic diseases with an eye to the past.  It's fascinating to see traditional foods and botanicals supported by modern research.  Michael has been teaching college nutrition and environmental health classes for over 10 years.